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There are now 196 messages in our guestbook.
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Viewing messages 71 to 80.
Malcolm N. Mac Neil | (Email)
I am so glad to have visited my ancestral home. I have incredibly fond memories. I am a descendant of Michael Bernard Mac Neil and Mary Ann MacKay, who lived in Arichat, and of Captain Abraham Le Blanc and Sabine Forest, who resided in West Arichat, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Looking forward to my next visit!
22 January 2007 - New York City

Jennifer & Mark McInnis | (Email)
We first fell in love with Nova Scotia in 2002 on our first anniversary trip. Arichat looks like a good place to visit with our family on our next vacation trip.
12 January 2007 - Rockford, Illinois

K Petitpas | (Email)
Hi to all the Arichat people all over the world.
7 January 2007 - Isle Madame

Darlene Siddiqui (DeCoste) | (Email)
Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

26 December 2006 - Calgary, Alberta

Arichat is full of the acadien culture and very nice people. Everybody is always willing to lend a helping hand.The fishing industrie is a main part of this town and we hope for it to contnue.
24 December 2006 - Arichat N.S.

chandra libbus
i live in winnipeg and have for the last five years. but being born and raised in cabe breton remindes me that home is where your heart is. theres no place like home and i cant wait to return.
4 December 2006 - im in winnipeg

Barbara Luddington Campbell | (Email)
Hi I had a family of LeLaCheurs my dads mothers family marry into Arichat families.Thanks
for your site , Barbara
1 December 2006 - I'm from New Glasgow NS but live in Maine USA

agnes mccormick/bourgeois | (Email)
This is a wonderful place to visit and to live. It is soo nice.
23 November 2006 - Glace Bay

Bob Miller | (Email)
I am a friend of Charles Bosdet, who lives near Arichat.
7 October 2006 - Anaheim, CA

Melanie (Joshua) LeBlanc | (Email)
Just visited the site, and it's great to see how many visitors we've had, and from so many different areas... near and far!
I am now living in Chester, NS, but Arichat will always be my home! My husband and I plan on moving back soon! =o)
29 September 2006 - Chester, NS

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