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There are now 196 messages in our guestbook.
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Viewing messages 151 to 160.
Keep it up buddy. Your site helped me alot.
10 March 2005 - New York

Daren Boudreau | (Email)
nice site, perhaps a schedule of summer festivals and events would help people who are "away" schedule their vacations effectively....thanks
25 January 2005 - Calgary AB

Bill Vautour | (Email)
First visit to site.
4 January 2005 - 12911 Fetlar Way, Bristow, VA/31 Watercolor Way, Naples, Fl

Bravo a vous pour ce sublime site de qualité irreprochable.
23 December 2004 - paris

Bill Sargent | (Email)
Thomas , it was good to talk to you once again. It takes me back to "The good old days" I think I need that every once in awhile.Glad to hear everything is going well there. Say hi to any of the olg gang. Merry Christmas. Bill..........
11 December 2004 - Vancouver Island, B.C.

Helena McCay | (Email)
This is a great site! I am enjoying it all -- photos, information, etc.

My great grandmother was a Tyrrell from Arichat. She married Dougald Boyle and they made their home in West Arichat.

Both my grandmother Catherine (Boyle) Doyle and my mother Ida (Doyle) Fougere were born in West Arichat.
7 November 2004 - Nova Scotia

Anne L Touesnard | (Email)
Hi I enjoyed your site, my dad was from Arichat Tom Babin owner of the American House Hotel on main st.I have some nice old pics of Arichat which i always injoy.
2 November 2004 - River Bourgeois

Nick | (Email)
Enjoyable webpage, thanks!
29 October 2004 - USA

Rene' (Pete) Boudreau | (Email)
My father and his twelve brothers and sisters were born in Arichat [born to Henry and Marguerite (Forest) Boudreau].
Aunt Blanche Boudreau is the only birth record not found - born Aug 29, 1901.
17 October 2004 - Middleboro, Massachusetts

Jenna Landry
Hello!I am from Arichat and I love this site. My dad is David Landry (Kricth) ( a Clarence a John) and my mom is Ruth Landry (Pardy de la Pointe). I'd just like to say that you site is really cool and thanks for putting it up.!
8 October 2004 - Arichat, Nova Scotia, Canada

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