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There are now 196 messages in our guestbook.
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Viewing messages 191 to 196.
trevor boudreau | (Email)
wow i just typed in for fun arichat .com and got this site cool never knew we where moveing up in the world , lol i'm from pondville origanally (not far from arichat about 3 miles) now live in port hawkesbury with my beautiful wife ,in our new home , but love to see the the pictures of the places i've grown up around great job love it

signed trevor boudreau (son of raymond and leona boudreau pondville)
15 February 2004 - port hawkesbury

Danielle Boudreau | (Email)
Love the Pictures... makes me miss not being back home
14 February 2004 - Calgary,Alberta...Originally from Petit De Grat,N.S

Lots of nice pictures. You should have some info on the Cogres Mondial 2004.
10 February 2004 - France

Ray Poirier | (Email)
Great to see the many pictures of the Isle of Madame
11 January 2004 - Boston, Massachusetts

Carl Boudreau | (Email)
Hi Tom and Wayne!nice website,congrats!
10 January 2004 - Janvrin's Island

Shaun LeBlanc
Hello, Like the site... I recenty found out that my great-great grandfather (Moses LeBlanc) lived in Arichat around 1811. He had around 7 children. Do you know of any good genealogy links on the Arichat area? Looks beautiful... maybe someday I'll get a chance to visit. Thanks!
26 December 2003 - New Hampshire

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