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There are now 196 messages in our guestbook.
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Viewing messages 31 to 40.
Ralph Fougere | (Email)
I,v been away for 50 years looking forward too go back home
16 February 2009 - west arichat

Maggie Prue | (Email)
My paternal ggm was born there 1860. Emigrated to Massachusetts. Her name was Sarah Paty
13 February 2009 - California

Donna george | (Email)
Would to see more history imformation,may
older photos and family tree imformation of all the families in isle madame
9 February 2009 - alberta

raymond george | (Email)
i was just trying to bring back some very old memories and came across your site. started looking at your pics under history and as i clicked on the pic of the fisherman and almost jumped out of my chair.its a pic of my father Art george.i cant tell who it is behind father died on Jan 3 1984 at 47 miss him deerly.
are there any other sites to view pics of janvrins harbour
17 January 2009 - edmonton alberta

Wanting to wish everybody on Isle Madame a Happy New year....
1 January 2009

Ann Marie Dort | (Email)
To: Ann Marie (Dolye) Adams I am Everett Covin niece,
20 November 2008

Laurie Mahler
I was born in Arichat, in 1964. The hospital is not there anymore. Such a beautiful place! I lived in D`scousse for 10 years before moving away. I`m coming to visit soon - can`t wait! My kids will love it.
5 October 2008 - Brampton, Ontario

Carl Witham | (Email)
Grand Parents Came from here: "Sampsons" and "Frasers"
5 October 2008 - Waltham ma. 02452 usa

Barb and Dave Rees | (Email)
Last summer we were lucky enough to meet Martha Nettleton and her generous family who allowed us to leave our trailer there while we camped in Newfoundland for 2 weeks. We fell in love with Arichat and the people and will be back one day. I am currently working on my next book "RV Canada With Boo the Menopausal Van" about our cross country adventures that landed us in Martha's yard. Arichat will play a big role in the Nova Scotian chapter...with lots of good things to tell the world about you.What a special part of Canada!!
b and Dave Rees
30 September 2008 - Powell River, BC

Mike Bonin | (Email)
I lived in Arichat Of and on as a kid till i was 12.It was a wonderful place to .grow up.Those summer days at babins lake,they tell me you cant swim there any more.I havent been back in 26 years but i still think of Arichat as home.
30 July 2008 - Chilliwack,British Columbia

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