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Welcome to Arichat, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Located on the southern most tip of Cape Breton Island, Isle Madame is a cluster of islands. It offers some of the most captivating scenery along the Fleur-de-Lis trail (see maps) which loops around the main island. The village of Arichat is one of the oldest communities in Nova Scotia, dating back to the 1700's when tall ships ruled the seas. It was known as the most important shire town of Richmond County.

As you visit the islands you will constantly change vistas of the rocky coastline, inlets, coves and islands of Arichat harbour along the very edge of the shores. (see photo galleries) Besides beautiful scenery, we have beautiful beaches, hiking trails, parks and great place for sailing, canoeing and kayaking.   (Google Maps).

A bit of history:
Arichat was first settled in the early 1700s. In 1713, a permanent settlement now known as Arichat was established beginning the rapid economic rise of Isle Madame. 

In 1752, the population of the island totaled 125 people of French, English, and Irish descent and Arichat Harbour was becoming an international trading port by 1801.


Arichat itself had a population of 1,520 people and 192 ships, making Isle Madame a major trading and business center. 

The growth of the island persisted through the 1830s when the population of Arichat surpassed 2,000 and continued on until it peaked around the time of Confederation.


Today, Isle Madame has been significantly affected by the collapse of the fishery. Residents of the island, however, refuse to give up. 

A new spirit of community cooperation in economic and social development has rekindled the enthusiasm of island residents, bringing renewed faith in the community’s future.



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